Monday, February 27, 2012

Remember those little shoe boxes.....

Last year the school sent over 200 filled shoe boxes to Team Hope for distriubtion to boys and girls in Africa and Eastern Europe for Christmas.  I just recieved an email from Team Hope to say that the boxes have been delivered and you can read the email below.

Well it’s February 2012…. and we’ve just finished putting together some great pictures and stories .

They’re all related to the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal

                      that you worked so hard to help make a reality                

for so many needy children across Africa & Eastern Europe!

We’ve seen such joy and excitement from distributions that we wanted to share it with you.

Take a look and maybe download this special report.

A very special ‘Thank You’ for everything you did to help,

We’re already looking forward to the 2012 Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Don’t forget that Team Hope run projects all year ‘round to help those in greater need….

And we could always use your help with fund raising too !!!



Unit 5, Leopardstown Business Centre
Ballyogan Avenue

Dublin 18


Tel: +353 (1)  2940222

Also find us on....

    Team Hope FaceBook                             ----                             web:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Sam came to visit!

Last Wednesday was a very special day for the school.  Eamon Fennel and Michael Darragh McAuley, 2 of the winning Dubs team, brought the Sam Maguire Cup to the school.


The excitement level in the school was audible, the girls were high on the anticipation of the visit and gave the 2 guys a rapturous welcome.  The classes had prepared some posters and had the corridor decorated with dubs colours for the day.

First stop for the cup was a trip to the hall to talk to the 1st class girls who were waiting patiently and quietly for the Sam Maguire.  The players gave the girls lots of time to ask questions and they explained how they go into the GAA, what teams they played on, and how they got to be so good at GAA.

All the other classes waited patiently for the players to come to the yard with the cup where they took yet more questions (sorry for the lack of faces in the photos, but we want to be sure not to offend any parents by having their child's photos without consent) and entertained the pupils with their stories and encouraging words.

We thank Eamon and Michael Darragh for giving so freely of their time last week.  I know that their visit will be such a lasting memory for all the girls, and to see the Sam Maguire Cup in real life was a treat for everyone, including the teachers!